Passwords are very special. So special they have their own day. In 2013 Intel security declared the first Thursday of May world password day.
We all love our passwords and should take this day to celebrate them. Even though we have our favorite passwords, it won’t last forever and should not be used everywhere. Today is a good day to say goodbye to our favorite password that we have been using everywhere since college. It is time to expand and mix it up.
Here our some tips to help you find new favorite passwords until next year.
Password tips:
1. Complexity
Combine uppercase, lowercase, numbers, or special characters in at least eight characters. Also, to remember them more easily, you can use mnemonic rules.
2. Don’t share
Do not use the same passwords for all logins. Use unique password for each system. Do not use the same password for work and personal accounts.
3. Nothing Personal
Do not use personal information such as our date of birth, child name, place of marriage or favorite pet. If it is easy fo to remember then it is easy for a cyber criminal to crack. Do not store your password in the browsers.
4. Keep them safe
Don’t store them in a note in your phone or in excel. Use a good password manager.
5. When in doubt change them out
Change your password immediately if you suspect something is wrong or have any serious changes in your life.
Last year The World Password Day got a million people to change their passwords, what will be the figure we will reach this year?
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