When is the last time you had a complete IT Network and Security assessment done on your office network?
For a limited time, we are offering a complementary IT Network and Security assessment to small businesses in the Washington DC metro area.
This is the first step to fighting back against cyber criminals
As the business owner you could be liable if there is a cyber-attack. You need to know where your data is! You need to know who has access to it! You need to know how it is protected! You need to know if your IT provider is doing their job!
Valued at $2,000!
What is included
✓ IT Risk Assessment
✓ IT Security Assessment
✓ IT Network Assessment
✓ IT Policy and Procedures review
✓ Dark Web scan *
✓ Email Phishing test *!
✓ Online Cyber security training
* Cannot be performed against free email domains (Yahoo.com, gmail.com, outook.com….)
! Don’t tell your employees about the phishing test! Find out who will fall for a phishing email.